Robot Operating System (ROS) for Beginners

21 minute read


The Robot Operating System (ROS), in short, is a communication tool used in robotics to facilitate transfer of messages or data in a multi-device system. In this article, I go through the very basics of ROS and how to get started with it.


ROS is essentially a middleware that enables efficient hardware-software and software-software communication. It enables reusing code for robotics. ROS is not actually an operating system. ROS 1 runs on Linux (debian or ubuntu), and ROS 2 adds support for various other OSes (macOS, Windows, RTOS etc.). ROS is comprised of 4 parts:

  1. Plumbing: handles process management, inter-proc comms, device drivers (basically like assembly level stuff)
  2. Tools: for doing simulation, visualisation, GUI, data logging
  3. Capabilities: handles control, perception, planning, mapping and manipulation
  4. Ecosystem: refers to  package management, software distribution, documentation, tutorials and generally the ROS community

ROS is a P2P distributed framework and there are libraries for many different languages (e.g. Python, C++, Matlab, Java etc.). ROS is open source and free to use.

What is ROS used for?

  1. Used by many robotics universities/companies for research and prototyping
  2. Industry production robot software
  3. NASA uses ROS in some space robots (e.g. Astrobee)
  4. BMW uses ROS for automated driving
  5. See here for a list of companies that use ROS in their products

An ROS Node is a single-purpose executable program that is individually compiled, executed and managed. Nodes are organized in packages. In ROS 1, the ROS Master manages the communication between nodes. It registers every node at startup. Nodes are organized in a tree structure.

Note: Nodes cannot have the same name. To run multiple instances of the same node, add a prefix/suffix or declare it as anonymous.

ROS uses the following tools to facilitate software-software communication:

  • Actions: Enables users to give directions that aren’t time-sensitive to monitor the server’s state
  • Topics: stream of messages relayed between nodes. Nodes can publish or subscribe to a topic. Typically 1 publisher to n subscribers.
  • Message: Data struct defining the type of a topic. Is defined in .msg files
  • Services: creates a synchronous channel btw nodes to allow users to request specific actions from robots and change settings

ROS 1 vs ROS 2

ROS 2 is an updated version of the ROS 1 framework, made in 2018. It is a separate framework from the original ROS 1 due to various breaking changes and improvements made.  The latest ROS 1 update (version Noetic Ninjemys) has an end-of-life date of May 2025, after which it will be replaced by ROS 2.

Changes made by ROS 2 (as of version Humble Hawksbill):

  • Introduced support for various OSes
  • Enhanced transmission mechanism through removing reliance on master node and offering intra-process API
  • Improved timeliness of robots (to make up for ROS 1’s lack of real-time control)
  • Improved network performance and support for multi-robot systems
  • Adds support for embedded microcontroller units (MCU) (e.g. M7, ARM-M4 etc.)

Note: The ROS 2 wiki requests that you cite ROS 2 in your work like this:

author = {Steven Macenski and Tully Foote and Brian Gerkey and Chris Lalancette and William Woodall },
title = {Robot Operating System 2: Design, architecture, and uses in the wild},
journal = {Science Robotics},
volume = {7},
number = {66},
pages = {eabm6074},
year = {2022},
doi = {10.1126/scirobotics.abm6074},
URL = {}

Getting Started with ROS 2

The official ROS 2 docs provide an excellent installation guide. Select the distro compatible with the OS you are running on. I use Iron Irwini for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (bc my experience with simply installing ROS on windows has been absolute ass).

Ubuntu Installation Tips:

  • If using a fresh linux installation, remember to run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade before beginning any installation steps.
  • If encountering unable to locate package error, run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade and then redo the installation steps from the beginning.
  • If encountering unmet dependencies error, check which package versions have been reported and downgrade if necessary. If problem persists, consider install with the aptitude package manager instead of apt (sudo apt-get install aptitude )

Windows Installation Tips:

  • If using Window’s Chocolatey, remember to run your shell as administrator.
  • ROS 2 docs also has an installation debug guide

If you want to install with Anaconda, RoboStack provides a package wrapper. Installation guide can be found here, but the ROS2 docs advises against it due to conda’s different python interpreter being potentially incompatible with ROS 2  binaries. If you do go ahead with this, you may also want to check out this guide for using C++ with Conda.

Configuring the Environment and Workspace

The official docs provide a tutorial on configuring the ROS 2 environment, found here. In summary, configuring the environment follows these steps:

  1. Source the environment
## linux
source /opt/ros/<distro_name>/setup.bash

## macOS
. ~/ros2_install/ros2-osx/setup.bash

## windows
call C:\\dev\\ros2\\local_setup.bat
  1. Check environment variables with
## linux/macOS
printenv | grep -i ROS  

## windows
set | findstr -i ROS
  1. Set the ROS_DOMAIN_ID variable (choose a number 0 - 101)
## linux / macOS
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<your_domain_id>

## windows
set ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<your_domain_id>
  1. Set the ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY variable
## linux / macOS
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<your_domain_id>

## windows
set ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<your_domain_id>

Normally, every time you open a new terminal, you will need to source ROS 2 and prepare the environment. However, step 1, 3 and 4 can be omitted by permanently adding sourcing to your shell startup script. This can be done with

## linux
echo "source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<your_domain_id>" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1" >> ~/.bashrc

## macOS
echo "source ~/ros2_install/ros2-osx/setup.bash" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<your_domain_id>" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1" >> ~/.bash_profile

## windows
# First create a folder in ‘My Documents’ called ‘WindowsPowerShell’. Within ‘WindowsPowerShell’, 
# create file ‘Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1’. Inside the file, paste: C:\\dev\\ros2_foxy\\local_setup.ps1

# in an elevated terminal run:
Unblock-File C:\\dev\\ros2_foxy\\local_setup.ps1
setx ROS_DOMAIN_ID <your_domain_id>

Using Turtlesim, ros2 and rqt

Turtlesim : lightweight simulator for learning ROS 2 (very similar to python’s turtle)
ros2 : pkg allowing users to manage, introspect and interact with a ROS system.
rqt : GUI for ROS 2 (optional)

Follow the official humble tutorial on Turtlesim, ros2 and rqt here.

Before running any ROS program, always run roscore to initialize the basic ROS node communication system. Alternatively, you can use ros launch with your project as well, which automatically starts roscore along with whatever package is specified to be run. More information on the ros launch command can be found in the section below.

Understanding ROS 2 CLI Tools

The Basics

ROS Nodes

Nodes are small programs meant to control a single task (i.e. controlling wheel motors, publishing data from a laser range-finder etc.). Each node can send and receive data from other nodes via topics, services, actions or parameters. In ROS 2, a single executable can contain one or more nodes.

Run a noderos2 run <package_name> <executable_name> 
List running nodesros2 node list 
Remap nodesros2 run <package> <node> --ros-args --remap __node:=<new_node_name>Remapping allows you to reassign default node properties, like node name, topic names, service names, etc., to custom values.
Get node inforos2 node info <node_name> 

Launching Multiple Nodes

For large projects, many nodes will need to be run at once. It becomes cumbersome to open a new terminal and manually run each node with run . Hence, launch files can be created, which allows the startup and configuration of multiple executables containing ROS nodes simultaneously.

Run launch fileros2 launch <package_name> <launch_file_name> or ros2 launch <path_to_launch_file>optional arguments can be passed using the key:=value syntax with the launch command

Launch files can be written in Python, YAML, or XML. Examples of launch files can be found here. In general, python provides a greater flexibility in writing launch files compared to YAML or XML, since it is a scripting language and you can leverage python libraries to script your launch files. Using python also grants you lower level access to launch features that are inaccessible to YAML or XML formats, as the ros2 implementation of launch is written in python. However, launch files written in Python may also be more complex and verbose than XML or YAML files.

Writing Your Own Launch Files

Launch files can perform the following actions:

  • Setup command line arguments with defaults
  • Include another launch file (even if in another namespace)
  • Start a node and setting its namespace and setting parameters in that node (using the args)
  • Create a node to remap messages from one topic to another

ROS Topics

Topics act as a bus for nodes to exchange messages, and are based on a publisher-subscriber model. A node can publish data and subscribe to to any other number of topics. Node communication can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many. Topics are one of the main ways data is moved between different parts of the system.

List active Topicsros2 topic listUse -t to see topic types
View data  published in Topicros2 topic echo <topic_name> 
View Topic inforos2 topic info <topic_name> 
View Message inforos2 interface show <msg_type>

To find msg_type, use: ros2 topic list -t
Shows structure of the data the message expects for a specific message type.
Publish some data to Topicros2 topic pub <topic_name> <msg_type> '<args>'

Use --once to publish one message and exit
Use --rate x to publish data at a steady stream of x Hz
The <args>  argument is the actual data you’ll pass to the topic, using the format specified by its type.
View rate of Topicros2 topic hz <topic_name> 

ROS Services

ROS Services are another method of communication between nodes, and is based on a request-response model. Services provide data only when called by a client. Service servers operate on a  one-to-one or one-to-many basis, where there can only be one server for a service, but many clients using it.

List active servicesros2 service list

Use -t to show types
Show specific service typeros2 service type <service_name> 
Find all services of typeros2 service find <type_name> 
Show input/output format of serviceros2 interface show <type_name>.srvReturns the input and output format, delimited by ---
Call a serviceros2 service call <service_name> <service_type> <arguments> 

ROS Parameters

A parameter is a configuration value of a node. They can be floats, ints, bool, strings and lists. Each node in ROS 2 maintains its own parameters. Parameters can beget and set using the CLI, or

List parameters for each active noderos2 param list 
Show type and current value of paramros2 param get <node_name> <parameter_name> 
Change a param value at runtimeros2 param set <node_name> <parameter_name> <value>This is a temp change
View all current param values for noderos2 param dump <node_name>

To save output to file, use ros2 param dump <node_name> > <file_name>.yaml
Useful for reloading nodes with the same params
Load param on active node from fileros2 param load <node_name> <parameter_file> 
Start node with param from fileros2 run <package_name> <executable_name> --ros-args --params-file <file_name> 

ROS Actions

Actions are one of the communication types in ROS 2. They are like services that allow you to execute long running tasks, provide regular feedback, and are cancelable. They consist of a goal, feedback and result. Actions use a client-server model. An action client node sends a goal to the action server node. The action server acknowledges the goal and returns a steady stream of feedback, and a result.

List all actions in rqt_graphros2 action list

Use -t to show types
Show specific action inforos2 action info <action> 
Show format of goal, result and feedbackros2 interface show <action>Delimited by --- , in the order of goal, result and feedback
Send goalros2 action send_goal <action_name> <action_type> <values>

Use --feedback to see the feedback of the goal until completion
<values> should be in YAML format

Actions could be used for robot systems in navigation, where a goal informs the robot of the end destination. While the robot travels to the position, it send feedback updates along the way, and returns a final result message upon goal completion.

rqt Monitoring Tools

ROS Graph with rqt_graph

The ROS 2 graph is a network of various ROS 2 elements processing data together at the same time. This includes all executables and connections between them. Changing nodes, topics and their connections can be visualised with the rqt_graph tool.

To run, use rqt_graph in a terminal.

rqt_graph is very useful when examining more complex systems with many nodes and topics connected in different ways.

Viewing Logs with rqt_console

rqt_console is a GUI tool used to introspect log messages, which are the messages that typically also appear in the terminal. With rqt_console , log messages can be accumulated and viewed closely in a more organized manner with filtering tools, and can be saved and reloaded for later viewing.

The content of logs are messages related to events and node status. Logs are ordered by severity:

  1. Fatal: system is going to terminate to protect itself
  2. Error: significant issues preventing proper function, but not damaging to the system
  3. Warn: unexpected activity or non-ideal results, may indicate a deeper issue
  4. Info (default level): event and status updates
  5. Debug: step-by-step process of system execution

The default level can be changed, which would indicate logging of messages of that severity level and higher (more critical).

Start the consoleros2 run rqt_console rqt_consoleOpens a GUI window
Set default severity levelros2 run <package> <node> --ros-args --log-level WARNSets default severity level when a node is run by adding --log-level to the run command

Monitoring the process through therqt_console is a good practice for debugging the system.

Recording and Playback Data

Data published by topics during it’s process can be recorded and played back with the ros2 bag command. Saved data is saved as either a .mcap or .db3 file.

As a good practice, create a new directory to store saved recordings:

mkdir bag_files
cd bag_files

To record, first start the desired nodes. The record operation creates a new node that subscribes to the stated topics, and saves their published data to a file.

Record topic(s)ros2 bag record <topic_name>

Use -o to specify file name for the bag file.
Useful since default file name looks like rosbag2_year_month_day-hour_minute_second
To record multiple topics, simply list all topic names with the record command. Press ctrl+C to terminate.
See recorded file inforos2 bag info <bag_file_name>Open the database to view individual messages (MCAP or SQLite3)
Play recorded fileros2 bag play <bag_file_name> 

ros2 bag should be installed by default with your ROS installation. However, if not found in your system, you can install following this README.

Creating and Building ROS Packages

A package is like a container for your ROS 2 code. This facilitates ease of installation and sharing, allowing others to build and use your code easily. ROS packages can be created with either CMake or Python, and uses ament  as its build system and colcon  as its build tool.

For Windows Users, you need to be in a Visual Studio environment to build packages

If not already installed, you can install colcon with:

## linux
sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions

## macOS
python3 -m pip install colcon-common-extensions

## windows
pip install -U colcon-common-extensions

ROS 2 packages have their minimum required content, depending on whether CMake or Python is used:

Commandros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake <package_name>

Use the optional --node-name <node_name> param to create an executable in the package
Use the optional --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=0 param to avoid configuring and building tests
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_python <package_name>

Use the optional --node-name <node_name> param to create an executable in the package
Requirementspackage.xml  file containing meta information about the package
CMakeLists.txt file  that describes how to build the code within the package
package.xml  file containing meta information about the package  containing instructions for how to install the package
setup.cfg is required when a package has executables, so ros2 run can find them
/<package_name>  - a directory with the same name as your package, used by ROS 2 tools to find your package, contains
Sample Directory Structuremy_package/

Organizing your work into packages in your workspace is important since it allows you to build many packages at once by running colcon build in the workspace root. If there are many packages, colcon build may take a long time to run. You can specify specific packages you want to build instead with colcon build --packages-select <package_name> .

In summary, to create and use your packages, do:

  1. Create package with CMake or Python
  2. Build package with colcon build --packages-select <package_name>
  3. Source setup file if necessary with . install/setup.bash on linux or call install/local_setup.bat on windows
  4. Run the package withros2 run <package_name> <node_name>

colcon is an iteration on the ROS build tools catkin_make, catkin_make_isolated, catkin_tools and ament_tools. For more information on the design of colcon see this document.

Examining ROS Packages

You can see the autogenerated files and folders created by ROS in the <workspace>/src/<package_name> directory.  Custom nodes can be found inside the package directory.

By default, the package description, maintainer and license declaration are not  set. These fields are required if the package is released for distribution. These can be modified in the package.xml file in your package directory.

ROS Workspaces

A ROS workspace refers to the filesystem structure of your project. A ROS workspace may look something like this:

├── build
├── install # contains setup files to source the overlay
├── log # ros log files
└── src # main code

To create a workspace, use the following commands:

## linux / macOS
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src # create workspace
cd ~/ros2_ws
git clone src/examples -b iron # clone or add source code
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro iron -y # always resolve dependencies before building (skip if macOS)
colcon build --symlink-install # build workspace
colcon test # optional: run test for built packages

## windows
md \\dev\\ros2_ws\\src # create workspace
cd \\dev\\ros2_ws
git clone src/examples -b iron # clone or add source code
colcon build --symlink-install --merge-install # build workspace
colcon test # optional: run test for built packages

For more detailed explanations of each step, see this tutorial. To ignore certain packages in your build, you can specify a COLCON_IGNORE file in the directory.

You can also run specific tests for the package with the command: colcon test --packages-select <package_name> --ctest-args -R <test_name>

Sourcing the Overlay

First, open a new terminal to avoid complex issues which may arise if you use the same terminal environment to build and source the overlay at the same time.
In the new environment, source the main ROS 2 environment as the underlay (if not auto sourced). To build the overlay, do:

source /opt/ros/iron/setup.bash
cd ~/ros2_ws
source install/local_setup.bash

To modify the overlay, you can edit the files in your workspace /src folder. This will only change the outputs for the environment with the overlay sourced, it will not change your base ROS 2 installation, so new terminals that don’t source your additional overlay will not have any changes. After modifying the code, run colcon build again.

Changing CWD with colcon_cd

colcon_cd <package_name>  is a command that allows you to quickly change the working directory of your shell to the directory of a package. This can be set up with:

## linux
echo "source /usr/share/colcon_cd/function/" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export _colcon_cd_root=/opt/ros/iron/" >> ~/.bashrc

## macOS
echo "source /usr/local/share/colcon_cd/function/" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export _colcon_cd_root=~/ros2_install" >> ~/.bashrc

Usage of this command depends on the way colcon_cd is installed and where the workspace is. This command is not available on Windows.

Setup colcon Tab Completion

The colcon command also supports CLI tab completion for bash and bash-like shells. To enable, install the colcon-argcomplete package:

## linux
echo "source /usr/share/colcon_argcomplete/hook/colcon-argcomplete.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

## macOS
echo "source $HOME/.local/share/colcon_argcomplete/hook/colcon-argcomplete.bash" >> ~/.bash_profile


NodesAn executable program that uses ROS to communicate with other nodes
MessagesA ROS data type. Used when subscribing or publishing to a topic
TopicsA program that broadcasts data periodically to subscribed nodes
ServicesSends some data to a client upon request
ActionsProgram for long running tasks. Consists of a goal, feedback stream and result report.  Can be cancelled if required.
MasterThe name service for ROS (helps nodes find each other)
Launch fileA file specifying run instructions for a collection of nodes, so they can be run together
ROS bagThe CLI tool used to record and playback data
rosoutROS equivalent of stdout/stderr
roscoreInitializes the ROS Master, rosout  logging mode and parameter server


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