- B.Eng. in Computer Science and Design, Minor in Artificial Intelligence, Honours, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 2022
- A-Level [Music, Math, Physics, Chemistry], 2018
Work experience
Robotics Innovation Lab (SUTD), Singapore
Researcher, Apr 23 - Present
JustAce, Singapore
Co-Founder, Software Engineer, Jan 21 - Aug 22
- Project: EdTech Startup Company
- Designed and iterated on business model through rigorous rounds of research and market validation
- Participated in several rounds of fund raising through pitching to boards of potential investors and mentors
- Engineered a platform of educational tools to assist the learning and engagement of parents and students aged 10-19 under Singapore’s education syllabus
- Skillsets: Deep Learning, NLP, MLOps, Web Development, Front/Back-End Development, DevOps, UI/UX, Graphics and Marketing
RippleCreate, Singapore
Software Engineer, Feb 22 - Apr 22
- Project: Integrated Web Portal with Real-Time Machine Learning Data
- Skillsets: Web Development, UI/UX, Data Visualisation, VOIP, DevOps, JavaScript, TypeScript
STMicroelectronics Asia Pacific Ltd, Japan
AI Intern, May 21 - Sep 21
- Project: Neural Network Research and Development for Embedded Devices
- Skillsets: Deep Learning, Data Analysis, Data Wrangling, Microcontrollers, Data Collections, Data Visualisation
Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, Java, C, C++, C#, SQL, Elixir, HTML, CSS Frameworks & Libraries: Pytorch, Tensorflow Keras, Node.js, React.js, Express.js, PostGreSQL, LaTex, OpenCV, OpenGL Software Skills: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), Git, Unity, Android Studio, Figma, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator, Sibelius
Academic Projects
See my github for more information
Reinforcement Learning for Splendor Board Game July 22 – Aug 22
- Designed and iterated on an AI model to play the board game Splendor using Deep Q Learning.
- Designed the model’s environment, actions, simplified problem, and game logic.
- Assisted in creation of a graphical user interface in React.js for the MinMax Algorithm.
Research in Object Detection and Classification for Sketch Images Jan 22 – Apr 22
- Investigate methods to increase image classification with greater shape bias using image augmentation techniques (i.e. Gaussian Blur, Gaussian Noise, Colour Distortion)
- Implemented CNN models with transfer learning from ResNet-50 and AlexNet in PyTorch
- Trained and tested on the ImageNet-Sketch Dataset with inference testing on a custom dataset of our own hand-drawn sketches.
MBTI Personality Multi-Label Classification using NLP Techniques on Social Media Posts Aug 21 – Dec 21
- Investigated various machine learning and deep learning models for MBTI classification of a collection of social media posts from the Kaggle MBTI dataset to predict the personality of the authors • Prototyped and implemented of various model architectures (i.e. Traditional ML, LSTM, BERT) using PyTorch and Keras • Evaluated on a classification report of AUROC, Precision, Recall and F1 scores. The BERT model returned the best results
Discord Bot Development for Investigation on Network Architectures Aug 21 – Dec 21
- Researched and developed a testing methodology to measure the VOIP call quality of Discord’s voice channels
- Conducted experiments using two Discord bots to send and record audio respectively, created in Node.js
- Recorded, assessed, and compared the VOIP quality using the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) using packet loss, latency and jitter data obtained with Wireshark
Co-Curricular Activities
- SUTD Funktion, 2019 - 2022
- SUTD Mindsports, Game Design Club, 2019 - 2022
Music (Voice, Piano, Composition), Traditional and Digital Art, Dance, Gaming and Game Design